Support us

Ways you can help vulnerable children


Sponsor a child, donate, give to an emergency, or consider a gift in your Will.

Sponsor a child

Change a child’s life. And support their community to lift themselves out of poverty.


Join us in helping children affected by conflict, disaster and climate change.

Latest emergencies

Children fleeing conflict or living in the aftermath of disaster urgently need your help.

Get involved

You can pray, join our campaigns, fundraise, volunteer and more.

Fundraise for children

Running, baking, partying. Every pound you raise will help protect children all over the world.

Campaign with us

Change comes when we speak out and take action. See our latest petition.

Pray for children

We’re powerful when we pray together. Join us in lifting children and families in prayer.

Support us through

Partner with us through philanthropy, your church, business, trust or foundation.

Our success stories

Lives transformed forever, with your help.

How we work

How we work

Where we work

We go where others don’t, where the need is greatest. Learn about where we work and why.